Pomeranian Coast

Pet safety tips to avoid injury during grooming appointments

Tamara Margolis and Aimee Tully sued Healthy Spot Monday, alleging the Culver City-based pet store chain was responsible for harming their beloved pets.

Charlie, Margolis’ four-year-old Maltipoo, died after being strangled in the company’s West Los Angeles store by a noose used to control animals while grooming them. Noel, Tully’s 10-year-old Rescue Pomeranian, had nearly five inches of her tail amputated after injuring herself while grooming at the company’s Costa Mesa store.

Andrew Kim, Chief Executive of Healthy Spot, apologized but defended his company and its carers.

“Our # 1 priority is the safety of the thousands of animals we care for each year,” he said. “This lawsuit completely misrepresents who we are and how we work – and we are confident it will be quickly dismissed.”

However, the class action lawsuit raises serious questions about how people can ensure their dogs are being cared for safely and why animals should be cared for in the first place.

We are addressing some of these issues here with the help of Daphna Nachminovitch, Senior Vice President of Cruelty Investigations at PETA, Teri DiMarino, President of California Professional Pet Groomers Inc., and their organizations’ websites.

Why do dogs need grooming at all??

Nachminovitch: “Grooming is more than a beauty thing. It’s comfort. We see so many dogs that get along without the necessary care for their health and they matted, and that is very dangerous – and also painful. “

(The American Kennel Club lists Poodles, Bichon Frize, Afghan Hound, Portuguese Water Dog, Puli, and Komondor as the breeds that need the most grooming. Smells that bad? “)

How common are injuries in hair salons?

DiMarino: “In California, thousands upon thousands of pets are cared for every day – safely cared for – and accidents are rare. … Nobody gets into this business to hurt dogs. “

Nachminovitch: “There are no official statistics. We follow up incidents, especially in large physical stores, as this is where we receive the most complaints. … [Incidents] are so much more common than you think. “

Are there any laws that regulate the operation of hairdressing salons?

Nachminovitch: “Anyone can open a shop front and say they are a dog groomer or a trainer. There are no requirements or certifications that they must have. … We would do our utmost to ensure that regulations are put in place to monitor these places. “

DiMarino: “The state of California already has at least 177 licensing offices. You are not about to deploy another. … To get a driver’s license, you have to take an exam and study. Does that make you a good driver? “

What is a dog owner to do?

Nachminovitch: “We made a whole maintenance video about how to do it yourself. It is definitely worth learning and your dog will be much more comfortable with you. He may not look like a superstar, but he will be more comfortable. This is more important than a good haircut. The dog doesn’t care. “

What if you don’t want to or can’t look after your pets yourself?

Nachminovitch: “I can tell you that if I knew what I know, I just wouldn’t use a groomer who is not with me or in my house, or a mobile groomer or someone you know very personally. … there are mobile snow groomers that come to your home. That is certainly a good option because you can be there. “

PETA.org: “Make sure the dog groomer you are considering is a graduate of a training program and a member of a trade organization. … are looking for an experienced groomer. … request references from other customers. … Ask if animals were injured or died in the care of the salon. Also, check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints against the facility. … ask that your dog be dried by hand or in the air. “