Pomeranian Coast

Giant spiders falling from the sky in New York this spring?

Many of us wish for spring to begin. We’re over the cold and the snow. It’s normal to think the second week of March and it should only be a few more weeks before the warmer weather finally arrives.

However, there is one thing that could make Spring 2022 a little different for many in New York State, and certainly the East Coast.

Remember the year 2020 when the whole country was enamored with the potential of killer hornets? 2021 was all about the cicadas. 2022 is all about the arachnids.

According to Axios in Washington DC, researchers at the University of Georgia announced that an invasive species of spider called Large Joro Spiders is expected to colonize the entire East Coast this spring.

Despite their black, yellow, blue, and even red appearance and the size of a child’s hand, they are harmless. This spring, however, it could be millions of them.

They are native to Japan and came to the United States Southeast, specifically Georgia, in 2013. In 2022, they are expected to spread as far as Delaware and who knows, maybe as far as New York. There is no definitive answer as to how far they will penetrate.

The spiders travel with their webs as parachutes and let the wind carry them over long distances.

According to Axios, their life cycle begins in spring but becomes largest in June. You can even see them in the summer months.

My fiancee hates all spiders and while these guys are pretty harmless, she hopes they stay as far south as possible.

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Read on to see which pets are banned in your home state as well as across the country.